Londre Marketing Consulting Specialties
- Marketing Strategies & Business Development
- Direct Market Analysis / Identification
- E-Business Technology
- Strategic Partnerships & Alliances
- Strategic & Tactical Planning
- Expert Witness
- Product & Sales Management
- Teambuilding & Leadership Management
- Collateral Materials
- Advertising, Promotion, Media and Public Relations
- Brand & Marketing Management
- Events & Trade Shows
- Multimedia Campaigns and Promotions
- Business-to-Business Marketing
- Advertising Agency Alliances and Client Partnerships

Larry in an international/global seminar.
Strategic Marketing’s Aim, Practices, Mantra, Plus Nine P’s/9P’s©
Important strategic philosophies and practices guide Marketing planning, efforts and/or Marketing relationships. Here are a few examples, including the Nine P’s/9P’s©:
- The aim of Marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him (her/it) and sells itself.
- Marketing is getting the right product or service to the right people (target market), at the right time, at the right place, at the right price with the right communications and promotion.
- The Mantra of Marketing: Marketing’s job is to create, communicate and deliver value to a target market at a profit. Market Management needs to “Create Value,” “Communicate Value,” and “Deliver Value.” There are three businesses here: Product Management; Brand Management and Customer Management.

Branding is everywhere. Larry in India, 2011.
I own a copyright for this concept, the Nine P’s/9 P’s©, which augments, improves and enhances the Marketing Mix and 4P’s by the American Marketing Association, Neil Borden and Jerome McCarthy:
- Planning or Marketing Process
- People/Prospects (Target Market)
- Product
- Price
- Place/Distribution
- Promotion
- Partners
- Presentation
- Passion
Advertising is structured and composed impersonal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products (goods, services) and ideas by identified sponsors through various media.
Branding is a marketing function that identifies products (goods and services) and their source, and differentiates them from all other products.

Londre presenting at FEWA event: “Update, Manage and Promote Your Expert Witness Practice for Maximum Impact,” FEWA (Forensic Expert Witness Association) Panel and Educational Training, April 2017

“Getting an Interview. Landing a Job. Practical, Insightful, Timely Advice and Counsel for the AMA (American Marketing Association).”

“Larry Steven Londre presenting one of his two-day Marketing and Advertising seminars in Shanghai, China.”